Men’s Advancement is a website dedicated to providing advice and resources to young men who aren’t content with their current trajectory in life.
Cultivating a generation of stronger men is one of my deepest purposes and this website is the medium through which I share my value.
I place an emphasis and developing physical and mental health as well as relationships because this is the foundation of a man who will be able to give their gift to the world.
This website doesn’t exist for the sole purpose of men, although it is aimed at them. Women can still benefit from the lessons I teach as a surprising amount of advice is beneficial for both genders.
Developing ‘strong’ men isn’t just about physical strength – although that is important. Strength in this context refers to the mental resilience required to do the difficult, but necessary tasks. To endure the harshness of life and to strive to be better.
It’s also important to appreciate that developing a generation of strong men is a beneficial venture for everyone. Men who are strong are able to provide for their families better, take care of their children and partners better, support their communities more, and teach everyone around them how to live fulfilled.
Strong men are also the men responsible for the innovations that occur, pushing our world closer to a brighter future.
Strong men are what this world needs.